Graduate policies, procedures and forms
Graduate policies, procedures and forms
The following policies, procedures and forms are specific to School of Sustainability (SOS) graduate programs and courses. Additional details are located in the handbooks linked below. Students should also be aware of university-level policies, located in both the ASU Graduate College’s Policies and Procedures Handbook and the ASU Catalog.
- Schedule an advising appointment
- ASU academic calendar
- ASU academic catalog
- Graduate College policies and procedures handbook
- Graduate College TA/RA handbook
Graduate handbooks
Download MA/MS handbooks
Download MSUS handbooks
Download online program handbooks
- MS SFS and Certificate Handbook 2024-2025
- MS SFS and Certificate Handbook 2023-2024
- EMSL handbook 2024-2025
- EMSL handbook 2023-2024
- MSL handbook 2024-2025
- MSL handbook 2023-2024
Download PhD handbooks
- PhD Sustainability Handbook 2024-2025
- PhD Sustainable Energy Handbook 2024-2025
- PhD Sustainability Handbook 2023-2024
- PhD SE Handbook 2023-2024
- PhD Sustainability handbook 2022-2023
Download certificate program handbooks
- Course override request
- Graduate student petition
- Class substitution petition
- Individual committee participation request
- Committee selection form
- Committee change form
- Reading and conference request
- Incomplete grade request
Milestones and exams
- Defense announcement templates
- Thesis and scientific paper proposal form
- PhD comprehensive exam results form (traditional model)
- PhD new comprehensive exam results form (new in 2022)
- PhD Sustainable Energy comprehensive exam results form
- MIP portfolio results form
- PhD prospectus defense results form
- School of Sustainability repository form