Student testimonials

The knowledge and thought processes that I have acquired at the School of Sustainability force me to see the bigger picture and look beyond conventional boundaries. I feel the skills I have acquired will put me in a position to make an impact in any job that I choose to pursue.

At the School of Sustainability, the staff genuinely wants students to succeed; they present these opportunities, like internships, that really help the students network. Real-world experience not only helps to apply the theory learned in the classroom, but also helps create relationships with people in the field.

The School of Sustainability is a melting pot of experts in different fields who have come together in the same place to teach you to solve real problems. In comparison to other degrees where you’re training to be one piece of a puzzle, with sustainability, you can have an effect on each part of the process. Sustainability combines all the things I’m interested in into one degree.

The School of Sustainability allowed me to broaden my understanding of sustainability. I was able to apply what I learned in the classroom to the real world by doing an internship with Dell as a Sustainability Assistant.

As an older and more seasoned student just retiring from a military career, I felt some trepidation returning to college. At the School of Sustainability, I found the students and faculty to be of such diversity of age, gender, education, ethnicity, and nationality that classroom discussions were engaging and enlightening!

Living in the School of Sustainability Residential Community helped me smoothly transition into college and living on my own. I met a wide variety of new friends in a friendly environment who were also studying sustainability.

As an intern for Carbon Roots International, I worked on a solar-electrification project in La Coupe, Haiti. As part of the internship, I conducted research on the demographics, daily flow, and infrastructure of the community.

As a senior undergraduate student, I truly believe in myself, am very ready to face the unknown future, and will achieve my goals. I am looking forward to future semesters at the School of Sustainability because I am convinced there is more to explore.lorem ipsum

Our Sustainable Food and Farms class travelled to Double Check Ranch in Winkleman, Arizona, to learn how the ranch sustainably raises their cattle and distributes their beef. I learned so much on this trip and I am grateful that this course gave us the opportunity to explore real-life food systems.

The School of Sustainability not only provides an ample academic foundation, it also helps its students apply creative systems-thinking approaches and cutting-edge technologies to real-world sustainability problems. Through the school, I attained employment opportunities which reinforced my coursework, providing me hands-on work experiences that enriched my term papers and applied-project thesis.

The School of Sustainability has opened my eyes to sustainability issues that I had never thought of. It has taught me that sustainability goes way beyond changing a light bulb and driving my car less. It is about the social interactions you make in your community. The School has taught me to be passionate about any idea I may have and any issue I find to be important because it is highly likely t

Our tribal elders teach us that life is a circle – we are not outside nature, we are a part of it. The Native American worldview is similar to the philosophy of sustainability, so the School of Sustainability is a good fit for me. I felt an instant connection with this place.

Sustainability is all about connections – reconnecting people to their places, and building networks between diverse branches of society. This program has done an amazing job at bringing together people from many backgrounds in such a way that we can truly begin to understand the multi-faceted approach that is necessary toward achieving sustainability.

The field of sustainability is constantly changing, which is challenging and exciting. I’ve gotten great advice from my professors about how the School of Sustainability will prepare me for a career after graduation, and my transdisciplinary classes have linked everything so clearly.

It’s really interesting to work in such an interdisciplinary setting and interact with people from so many different backgrounds (both academically and culturally). It’s also exciting to be able to build a new program in a new field, and the faculty and staff have been incredibly supportive in helping us to make the transition to this new way of thinking.

Being in the School of Sustainability has given me a more global perspective – especially through studying current, real world international situations. Everyone working in the Global Institute of Sustainability has a can-do attitude, alongside critical problem-solving skills, which makes for the best school in the world.”