Minor advising
Minor in sustainability FAQs for students
Q: Who can pursue the minor in sustainability?
A: Any ASU student who is a declared major and is not majoring in the following programs:
- BA degree in the W.P. Carey School of Business with a concentration in sustainability
- BS degree in tourism and management with a concentration in sustainable tourism
- BSE degree in civil engineering with a concentration in sustainable engineering
- BS degree in public service and public policy with a concentration in sustainability
- BS degree in interdisciplinary studies with a concentration in sustainability
Exploratory students will need to declare a major before they are eligible to declare a minor.
Q: Is SOS 100 offered online?
A: Yes, SOS 100 (Introduction to Sustainability) is offered online and as an iCourse. It is usually available every fall, spring and summer term.
Q: Do I need to take SOS 100 (Introduction to Sustainability) if I have already taken SOS 111/PUP 190 (Sustainable Cities) and/or SOS 110 (Sustainable World)?
A: No, either SOS 111/PUP 190 (Sustainable Cities) or SOS 110 (Sustainable World) may be used in place of SOS 100 (Introduction to Sustainability). In fact, you wouldn’t want to take SOS 100 (Introduction to Sustainability) if you have taken SOS 111/PUP 190 (Sustainable Cities) or SOS 110 (Sustainable World) already, as there would be too much replication of course material. If you have taken both courses, you can use one to fulfill SOS 100 and the other one may be used as a “theme” course if you are interested in the themes they count toward. Please consult your advisor if modifications are needed in DARS.
Q: What is the course SOS 300 (Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability) about?
A: SOS 300 (Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability) builds off of the knowledge you acquire in SOS 100 as well as the theme courses. SOS 300 involves advanced concepts in sustainability, including systems thinking, complexity, nonlinearity, cascading effects, coupled natural-human systems, governance, future thinking, unintended consequences, normative concerns, transformation, power, participation, and equity.
SOS 300 is offered online and as an iCourse and is usually available every fall, spring and summer term.
Q: Can I use a different 300-level SOS course in place of SOS 300 (Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability)?
A: No.
Q: What are the prerequisites for SOS 300 (Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability)?
A: Students must have completed SOS 100, 110, 111 or PUP 190 with C or better prior to taking SOS 300.
Civil Engineering students with a concentration in sustainable engineering and tourism and management students with a concentration in sustainable tourism only have to have declared the concentration in order to enroll in SOS 300.
Q: How long does it take to complete the minor in sustainability?
A: It’s possible to complete the minor in as few as two semesters; however, most students will spend longer than that. If you haven’t taken any courses for the minor in sustainability yet, it’s wise to plan for at least four semesters. Work with your academic advisor to plan your course of study.
Q: Will courses for the minor in sustainability be offered during summer sessions?
A: SOS 100 (Introduction to Sustainability) and SOS 300 (Advanced Concepts and Integrated Approaches in Sustainability) are usually available during the summer term. Some theme courses and upper-division electives may also be offered. Please check the Class Search for the most up-to-date course schedules.
Q: What courses can I use to satisfy the upper-division electives for the minor in sustainability?
A: Talk with your major advisor about this; they will approve your upper-division electives for the minor. The intention is that these courses will complement your major and serve to fulfill the values and purposes behind why you want to earn the minor in sustainability and how you want to use the minor in sustainability in your professional life..
Q: Can I take upper division SOS courses to fulfill my upper-division electives requirement for the minor in sustainability?
A: Talk with your major advisor to see if they will approve upper-division SOS courses as your electives. If approved, you must meet any course prerequisites listed in the Class Search.
Q: Can I take one of the SOS Capstone courses (SOS 484 and SOS 498) as an upper-division elective for the minor?
A: No. These courses are open to School of Sustainability majors only.
Q: Who should I talk to if I am pursuing concurrent degrees/double majors?
A: You should discuss the minor in sustainability with the advisor of your “primary” major (the first of the two degrees you decided to pursue).
Q: How do I make sure the minor in sustainability appears on my degree audit (DARS)?
A: Submit a request to “Add a minor” via the “My Programs” box of My ASU.
Q: What if my advisor doesn’t know about the minor or know how to post the minor in sustainability or says they can’t do it?
A: Listen to what your advisor tells you to do, and if there are further questions fill out the form below.
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